Move Up Guidelines



End of year Move Up for earning the $ amount listed and 2 Top 10’s or the $ amount listed and 1 Top 5 finish.

Class Earnings Top 10’s or Top 5 Eligible Classes or Higher
Men’s Semi-Pro – $110 $1,320 2 or 1 Men’s Open Pro, Men’s Known Pro
Men’s Known 50 – $110 $1,320 2 or 1 Men’s Semi-Pro, Men’s Known Pro
Senior Known 50 – $90 $1,080 2 or 1 Senior Known Pro, Senior Pro
Senior Known 45 – $70 $840 2 or 1 Senior Known 50
Men’s Open 45 – $70 $840 2 or 1 Men’s Semi-Pro, Men’s Known 50
Men’s Known 45 – $70 $840 2 or 1 Men’s Open 45, Men’s Known 50, Men’s Hunter 45
Men’s Open 40 – $60 $720 2 or 1 Men’s Open 45, Men’s Known 45, Men’s Pins 40
Men’s Pins 40 – $60 $720 2 or 1 Men’s Hunter 45, Men’s Open 40, Men’s Known 45
Men’s Known 40 – $60 $720 2 or 1 Men’s Known 45, Men’s Open 45, Men’s Pins 40
Men’s Pins 30 – $50 $600 2 or 1 Men’s Pins 40, Men’s Known 40, Men’s Open 40
Class Earnings Top 10’s or Top 5 Eligible Classes or Higher
Women’s Known 45 – $70 $840 2 or 1 Women’s Known Pro, Women’s Pro
Women’s Open 45 – $70 $840 2 or 1 Women’s Pro, Women’s Known Pro
Women’s Known 40 – $60 $720 2 or 1 Women’s Known 45, Women’s Open 45
Women’s Pins 30 – $50 $600 2 or 1 Women’s Pins 40, Women’s Known 40

Federation Rules – 2025


(ASA Pro/Am Rules of Competition apply to all levels of ASA Federation Competition unless modified below.)

  1. Only ASA Certified Clubs with current liability insurance will be permitted to conduct ASA Federation Qualifiers and State Championships. Paperwork and payment must be sent to ASA within 7 days of the Qualifier (credit card payment is preferred.) State Championships, MUST pay by the Tuesday following the event by credit card and have the paperwork emailed to
  2. ASA State Qualifiers and Championships are stand-alone events except when held in conjunction with S3DA using the results of the ASA competition (conducted by ASA Rules of Competition). No other tournament will be held in conjunction with them by the sponsoring club. Clubs may allow “fun class” participation, but no awards will be issued to any non-qualified guests or shooters.
  3. A current/active ASA Membership is MANDATORY for competing in a Qualifier to be eligible for paybacks, or SOY points as well as qualifying for their State Championship.
  4. During Federation Qualifier and State Championship tournaments all classes will follow the same format for known and unknown distance competition as they do in an ASA Pro/Am. Known and unknown distance class competitors will be grouped separately.
  5. All groups will consist of a minimum of three (3) individuals at all ASA sanctioned events. It is the responsibility of the Host Club to enforce.
  6. At the Host Club’s discretion start times may be “walk-up” with shooting groups arranged by class and/or yardage, or “shotgun” with assigned shooting times and stakes. Please advertise the shoot times (walk-up/shotgun) prior to the event so those coming know when to be there.
  7. The Host Club has the right and responsibility to delay or cancel a tournament in case of severe weather. In the event the weather shortens the competition the results and awards will be based on a round completed by the class or other appropriate means decided upon by the host event Competition Committee. The method of determination will be announced prior to dismissal of competitors and any grievances will be filed in the form of a protest.
  8. Clubs will set their own standards for appropriate clothing according to weather, terrain, and area standards. ASA Pro/Am clothing guidelines are recommended, but not required.



Shooters that won a State Championship and/or SOY in a class MUST move up to the next higher class at the Federation level for the next year of competitionSUBJECT to the following:

  1.  In a class with less than five (5) shooters it will be up to the discretion of the State and National Directors as to whether move up will be required for the State    Champion/SOY Winner.
  2. Classes with more than five (5) shooters the State Champion/SOY Winner will move up to the next higher class unless that next class is a pro class, in which case the State and National Directors will make that decision on a case by case basis.
  1. PROFESSIONAL – These classes may compete at the Federation Tournaments as guests for a fee at the discretion of the club. Pro competitors may not qualify for the ASA Championship Classic.
  2. SEMI-PRO & AMATEUR – These classes are open to shooters who are not otherwise deemed “Professional” by their competition status in the ASA or other archery organization.
  3. YOUTH/EAGLE CLASSES – In the interests of safety and the well-being of our youth, all competitors in the Youth/Eagle classes must be able to draw their bow under control and without undue difficulty. If, in the opinion of the Event Director, the competitor is having difficulty drawing the bow, the competitor shall be required to decrease the poundage to allow them to properly draw and shoot the bow regardless of arrow speed.


All protests will be reviewed by the Host Club and their ASA Federation State Director (by phone or in person).

  1. Any grievance or protest must be filed in writing with the Club within one (1) hour of completion of a round along with a $20 cash protest fee.
  2. It is the Host Club’s Representative’s responsibility to convene with the State Director and decide upon the protest in a timely manner.
  3. In addition to rules protests the Club Representative and State Director will refer anyone whose conduct, or repeat rules violations, may be grounds for suspension to the ASA National Federation Director.
  4. Anyone suspended from competition by the ASA National Federation Director will be reported to the ASA Office along with documentation of the reason. This individual will be suspended from all further ASA competition until they are reinstated as allowed in the ASA Pro/Am Rules of Competition.


*Clubs may elect to set a 50-yard stake for 50-yard classes (black stake), but if they do not, they will shoot from the white stake.

45 Yard Classes Stake Color Max Yds Speed Limit
*Known 50 White 45yds 290 fps
*Semi-Pro White 45yds 290 fps
*Senior Known 50 White 45yds 290 fps
Men’s Hunter 45 White 45yds 290 fps
Men’s Open 45 White 45yds 280 fps
Men’s Known 45 White 45yds 280 fps
Senior Men’s Open White 45yds 280 fps
Senior Known 45 White 45yds 280 fps
Women’s Open 45 White 45yds 280 fps
Women’s Known 45 White 45yds 280 fps
40 Yard Classes Stake Color Max Yds Speed Limit
Men’s Known 40 Red 40yds 280 fps
Men’s Open 40 Red 40yds 280 fps
Men’s Pins 40 Red 40yds 280 fps
Super Senior Open Red 40yds 280 fps
Super Senior Known Red 40yds 280 fps
Senior Masters Open Red 40yds 280 fps
Senior Masters Known Red 40yds 280 fps
Senior Pins Red 40yds 280 fps
Super Senior Pins Red 40yds 280 fps
Women’s Pins 40 Red 40yds 260 fps
Women’s Known 40 Red 40yds 260 fps
Women’s Senior Known Red 40yds 260 fps
Women’s Super Senior Known Red 40yds 260 fps
Young Adult Open Male (15-17) Red 40yds 280 fps
Young Adult Open Female (15-17) Red 40yds 260 fps
Young Adult Pins Male (15-17) Red 40yds 280 fps
Young Adult Pins Female (15-17) Red 40yds 260 fps
Crossbow 40 Red 40yds 330 fps
30 Yard Classes Stake Color Max Yds Speed Limit
Women’s Pins 30 Blue 30yds 260 fps
Men’s Pins 30 Blue 30yds 280 fps
Barebow Recurve Blue 30yds 260 fps
Olympic Recurve Blue 30yds 260 fps

Youth Classes:

The competitors in the following classes must meet the posted arrow speed limit and exhibit proper bow control while drawing their bow.

Class Stake Color Max Yrds Speed Limit
Youth Open Boys (12-14) Blue 30yds 260 fps
Youth Open Girls (12-14) Blue 30yds 260 fps
Youth Pins Boys (12-14) Blue 30yds 260 fps
Youth Pins Girls (12-14) Blue 30yds 260 fps
Youth Olympic Recurve (12-14) Yellow 25yds 240 fps
Youth Barebow Recurve (12-14) Yellow 25yds 240 fps
Eagle Open Boys (9-11) Yellow 25yds 230 fps
Eagle Open Girls (9-11) Yellow 25yds 230 fps
Eagle Pins Boys (9-11) Green 20yds 230 fps
Eagle Pins Girls(9-11) Green 20yds 230 fps
Eagle Recurve (9-11) Green 20yds 220 fps
Junior Eagle Open (6-8) Orange 15yds 220 fps


Paperwork along with payment must be sent to ASA within 7 days of the Qualifier event by  Email-, mail 1301 Shiloh Rd. Ste. 720, Kennesaw GA  30144, or call the ASA Office (770) 795-0232 with credit card payment.

  1. Membership Forms
  2. Class Competition Lists
  3. Entry Fee Distribution Sheet

ASA certified clubs are guaranteed a minimum of one (1) Qualifier. Clubs requesting dates for Qualifiers must submit their request to their respective State Director who will coordinate all club date requests with their Regional Director.

  1. ASA State Directors will notify clubs of an approved date(s). Clubs requesting multiple Qualifier dates will be awarded additional dates after all other clubs’ first date requests have been awarded.
  2. No qualifiers will be scheduled on the same date as any other club within a 150-mile radius of each other, including adjacent states.
  3. ASA current/active Memberships are MANDATORY for all members who wish to compete in the Qualifier, receive payback and be awarded SOY points. (this includes all Amateurs, Youth, Eagle and Jr Eagle)
  4. Federation State Qualifiers will consist of a MINIMUM of one round of twenty (20) 3-D targets with individual competitors required to complete their round in one day. Classes will compete using the known or unknown distance format that is used for that class at ASA Pro/Am competitions.
  5. The MANDATORY entry fee for a qualifier is $30.00. $5.00 holdback paid to ASA.  $5 minimum will be a payback with the club retaining the remainder.  The club may retain less and payback more than the $5 if they choose (paybacks for young adult and adult classes). Paybacks are for ASA Members ONLY in good standing and not for guests/fun shooters.
  6. If a shooter qualifies in multiple classes, the highest class qualified is what will be posted. (example: they shoot in MP30 or WP30 and then shoot in K 40 or WK 40 the 30-yard qualification goes away, and they show qualified for K40/WK40). They will shoot state in the highest class they qualified for.  The ASA Office will not keep all qualified classes listed anymore, only the highest one.
  7. The Youth/Eagle MANDATORY entry fee is $15.00 for all Youth and Eagle classes with $5.00 sent to ASA and $10.00 to the club.
  8. The Host Club is responsible for making the best efforts to present paybacks to competitors that are not present.
  9. At Qualifiers in states that do not have a shooter of the year program, clubs may decide to combine classes due to attendance with State Director approval. This combination or elimination of classes must be announced at registration.  This must also be indicated on the paperwork returned to ASA.
  10. Clubs will list shooters in each class by their order of finish and will post a phone number for the contact person of the Club. The ASA Office will refer callers to the Point of Contact if competitors call the office for information.
  11. Upon receipt of the paperwork the ASA Office will post a list of archers who have qualified for their respective ASA State Championship on the ASA Web Site. is updated weekly and only the highest class the competitor has qualified in will be listed.
  12. Clubs conducting an S3DA event that is based on the results of their ASA competition will follow ASA Rules.
  13. All groups will consist of a minimum of three (3) individuals at all ASA sanctioned events.  Responsibility of hosting club to enforce.


  1. ASA certified clubs that are located within 150 miles of a bordering state may request to conduct a Multi-State Qualifier.
    1. Clubs requesting dates and permission to conduct a Multi-State Qualifier must submit their request to their respective State Director.
    2. The ASA State Director will confirm with their Regional Director and the State Director(s) of the state(s) involved that the event will also be a qualifier for their state and that the dates are acceptable.
    3. ASA State Directors will notify clubs of the approved state(s) and the date.

  2. Approved Clubs MUST NOTE on their Qualifier paperwork that the event was a Multi-State Qualifier and LIST ALL STATES that are approved for qualifying.
  3. Competitors that participate in a Multi-State Qualifier will be qualified to participate in the state championships of all participating states.


  1. Clubs will make one award for every five (5) competitors up to a maximum of three (3) places in all classes using the Payback Calculations shown below. The Host Club should make every effort to present payback to competitors that are not present.
  2. The MANDATORY entry fee for a qualifier is $30.00. $5.00 holdback will be paid to ASA.  $5 minimum will be a payback with the club retaining the remainder.  The club can retain less and payback more than the $5 if they choose (paybacks for young adult and adult classes). Paybacks are for ASA Members ONLY in good standing and not for guests/fun shooters.
  3. The Youth/Eagle entry fee is $15.00 for all Youth and Eagle classes with $5.00 sent to ASA and $10.00 to the club. Clubs can choose how to provide awards to Youth and Eagle classes.
  4. If there is only one competitor in a class:
    1. List the competitor in the appropriate class on the Individual Class Competition List
    2. Include the competitor on the Entry Fee Distribution Form
    3. Give the competitor the payback.


If approved by the State, each Qualifier will have a payback to Adult & Young Adult classes based on the payback amount determined by the State.

Shooters Places Paid Percentages
1-5 1 100%
6-10 2 70% / 30%
11+ 3 50% / 30% / 20%


Each ASA state may conduct a Shooter of the Year program with ASA Members that have Memberships in good standing with ASA prior to competing in any qualifiers.  (no back dating of scores).


Conduct a minimum of six (6) qualifiers, with a minimum of 50% of qualifiers (plus the State Championship score) to count toward SOY

  1. Competitors must include their score from the ASA State Championship to be eligible for SOY awards.
  2. The program must include all amateur classes recognized by the ASA Federation. Classes must average at least 3 paying competitors per Qualifier to participate.
  3. Points for Shooter of the Year are awarded using the following formula and only to those members in good standing prior to competing (no backdated points):
    1. 50 points for tournament participation
    2. 1 point for each competitor you beat
    3. 5 points for 1st place, 3 points for 2nd place, 1 point for 3rd place
      Competitor places 3rd in a 15 person class:   50 (participate) + 1 (3rd place) + 12 (shooters beaten) = 63
      Competitor places 2nd in a 5 person class:     50 (participate) + 3 (2nd place) + 3 (shooters beaten) = 56
  4. The ASA will provide Shooter of the Year buckles for presentation at the State Championship for all classes. (Regardless of the number of shooters in Youth and Eagle Classes)



  1. There will be one (1) ASA State Championship per year for each
  2. Each State Championship will have a minimum of thirty (30) Delta McKenzie 3-D targets that have the 8, 10, and 12-rings in the correct location. It is recommended that two (2) fifteen (15) target ranges be set.
  3. ASA approved host club sites will be awarded State Championships on a rotational schedule. State Directors will be responsible for club site approval.
  4. The mandatory State Championship entry fee for Adults and Young Adults will be $40.00 with $20.00 to the club, $15.00 to the competitor payback and $5.00 to ASA. Youth and Eagle Classes entry fee will be $20.00 with $5.00 to ASA for both youth and eagles and $15.00 to the
  5. The tournament may be conducted over a one or two-day period, but competitors must complete their round all in one day.
  6. Competition classes will compete using the known/unknown distance format that is used for that class at ASA Pro/Am competitions.


  1. ASA Lifetime Members and/or family members are automatically qualified to compete in their ASA State Championship and any state bordering on their own.
  2. All shooters eligible to participate in ASA State Championships will have qualified by shooting in at least one State Qualifier or in a designated Multi-State Qualifier for that state. State Qualifier Byes and all Youth and Eagle classes are exempt from qualifying in their State Championship only.
  3. All Youth and Eagle Class competitors will be eligible at another ASA State Championship if they qualified themselves, or if one or more of their parents qualified in that state and are participating.
  4. Semi-pro and Known 50 Classes may compete in ASA State Qualifiers and State Championships and qualify for the ASA Classic through the ASA Pro Class shooters are not eligible to qualify for the Classic.
  5. Shooters may only compete in the highest class qualified at the ASA State (ASA office will delete lower classes when competitors have qualified in higher ones)
  6. Shooters that qualify and compete in an ASA Federation State Championship, and those that receive State Championship Byes, will be qualified to shoot the ASA Pro/Am Classic in the class listed as qualified.


  1. State Championships will have all ASA Federation Classes
  2. Youth and Eagle classes will not receive cash ASA will provide a buckle for first place, plaques for 2nd and 3rd place in both Youth and Eagle classes, regardless of the number of competitors.
  3. ASA will supply State Champion buckles to be presented to Adult and Young Adult classes where there are three (3) or more competitors in the class. ASA will also provide plaques for 2nd and 3rd
  4. The Host Club will award a cash payback to all Adult and Young Adult classes based on a purse of $15.00 per competitor.
  5. Host Club will use the ASA Payback Schedule enclosed. If there is a tie for 1st place that cannot be broken by a 1-arrow closest to the center of the 10-ring shoot off due to time, or if one or both competitors are not present, each competitor will be receive a 1st place and split the 1st and 2nd place payback.
  6. The host club will list shooters in each class by their order of finish and the host club will post a phone number for the contact person of the host The ASA Office will refer callers to the Point of Contact if competitors call the office for information.


Each ASA state may conduct a Shooter of the Year program if they conduct a minimum of six (6) qualifiers, with a minimum of 50% of qualifiers (plus the State Championship score) to count toward SOY. States may elect to use an alternative format and award based on receiving prior approval from ASA.

  1. Competitors must include their score from the ASA State Championship to be eligible for SOY awards.
  2. The program must include all amateur classes recognized by the ASA Federation. Classes must average at least 3 paying competitors per Qualifier to participate, excluding Youth and Eagle classes. If a Qualifier has combined individual class scores the scores must be separated and rank ordered for SOY placement calculations.
  3. The ASA will provide Shooter of the Year buckles for presentation at the State Championship for all classes. (Regardless of the number of competitors in Youth and Eagle classes).
  4. Points for Shooter of the Year are awarded using the following formula:
    a. 50 points for tournament participation
    b. 1 point for each competitor you beat
    c. 5 points for 1st place, 3 points for 2nd place, 1 point for 3rd place
    Competitor places 3rd in a 15 person class:   50 (participate) + 1 (3rd place) + 12 (shooters beaten) = 63
    Competitor places 2nd in a 5 person class:     50 (participate) + 3 (2nd place) + 3 (shooters beaten) = 56



Shooters in a Class Payback Pot Places Paid 1st 2nd 3rd
4 x $15.00 $60.00 1 $60.00 n/a n/a
9 x $15.00 $135.00 2 $90.00 $45.00 n/a
13 x $15.00 $195.00 3 $98.00 $58.00 $39.00


UP TO # SHOOTERS PLACES PAID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1-5 1 100
6-10 2 70.00 30.00
11-15 3 50.00 30.00 20.00
16-20 4 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00
21-25 5 35.00 25.00 20.00 15.00 5.00
26-30 6 28.00 24.00 20.00 15.00 9.00 4.00
31-35 7 25.00 21.00 18.00 14.00 11.00 7.00 4.00
36-40 8 22.00 19.00 17.00 14.00 11.00 8.00 6.00 3.00
41-45 9 20.00 18.00 16.00 13.00 11.00 9.00 7.00 4.00 2.00
46-50 10 18.00 16.00 15.00 13.00 11.00 9.00 7.00 5.00 4.00 2.00


2025 Classes Entry Yards RD 1 RD 2 Speed
Open Pro $350 50 Unknown Unknown 290 fps
Known Pro $350 60 Known Known 290 fps
Senior Pro $350 50 Unknown Unknown 290 fps
Senior Known Pro $350 50 Known Known 290 fps
Women’s Pro $350 50 Unknown Unknown 290 fps
Women’s Known Pro $350 50 Known Known 290 fps
Men’s Semi-Pro $110 50 Unknown Unknown 290 fps
Men’s Known 50 $110 50 Known Known 290 fps
Senior Known 50 $90 50 Known Known 290 fps
Men’s Open 45 $70 45 Unknown Unknown 280 fps
Known 45 $70 45 Known Known 280 fps
Men’s Hunter 45 $70 45 Known Known 290 fps
Senior Men’s $70 45 Unknown Unknown 280 fps
Senior Men’s Known $70 45 Known Known 280 fps
Women’s Open 45 $70 45 Unknown Unknown 280 fps
Women’s Known 45 $70 45 Known Known 280 fps
Men’s Open 40 $60 40 Unknown Unknown 280 fps
Men’s Known 40 $60 40 Known Known 280 fps
Men’s Pins 40 $60 40 Known Known 280 fps
Crossbow $60 40 Known Known 330 fps
Super Senior Open $60 40 Unknown Unknown 280 fps
Super Senior Known $60 40 Known Known 280 fps
Senior Masters Open $60 40 Unknown Unknown 280 fps
Senior Masters Known $60 40 Known Known 280 fps
Senior Pins $60 40 Known Known 280 fps
Super Senior Pins $60 40 Known Known 280 fps
Women’s Known 40 $60 40 Known Known 260 fps
Women’s Pins 40 $60 40 Known Known 260 fps
Women’s Senior Known $60 40 Known Known 260 fps
Women’s Super Senior Known $60 40 Known Known 260 fps
Young Adult Open Male (Ages 15-17) $50 40 Known Known 280 fps
Young Adult Open Female (Ages 15-17) $50 40 Known Known 260 fps
Young Adult Pins Male (Ages 15-17) $50 40 Known Known 280 fps
Young Adult Pins Female (Ages 15-17) $50 40 Known Known 260 fps
Women’s Pins 30 $50 30 Known Known 260 fps
Men’s Pins 30 $50 30 Known Known 280 fps
Barebow Recurve $50 30 Known Known 260 fps
Olympic Recurve $50 30 Known Known 260 fps
Youth Open Boys (Ages 12-14) $20 30 Known Known 260 fps
Youth Open Girls (Ages 12-14) $20 30 Known Known 260 fps
Youth Pins Boys (Ages 12-14) $20 30 Known Known 260 fps
Youth Pins Girls (Ages 12-14) $20 30 Known Known 260 fps
Youth Olympic Recurve (Ages 12-14) $20 25 Known One Round Only 240 fps
Youth Barebow Recurve (Ages 12-14) $20 25 Known One Round Only 240 fps
Eagle Open Boys (Ages 9-11) $20 25 Known 230 fps
Eagle Open Girls (Ages 9-11) $20 25 Known 230 fps
Eagle Pins Boys (Ages 9-11) $20 20 Known 230 fps
Eagle Pins Girls (Ages 9-11) $20 20 Known 230 fps
Eagle Recurve (9-11) $20 20 Known 220 fps
Jr Eagle Open (Ages 6 – 8) $20 15 Known 220 fps

Scoring Images


*The top 12-ring only counts when it is “called”. At that point the bottom 12-ring only scores 10 points if hit.
#The 14-ring is only used during special shooting events

Scoring Target


12 Ring

Move Up List for 2025 – Winnings in 2024

Move-Up from Known 40 to Known 45, Open 45, or Men’s Pins 40 ($660.00 and 2 Top 10’s or 1 Top 5)

ASA # First Name Last Name $ Won SOY Total Top 5 Top 10
54082 Thomas Quinlan $1,695.00 $2,090.00 $3,785.00 5
57109 Easton Gregg $1,620.00 $1,250.00 $2,870.00 2 2
56147 Cordland Mullins $1,135.00 $830.00 $1,965.00 2
10114 Dustin Leader $1,340.00 $1,340.00 1 3
67392 Moose Stephenson $1,225.00 $1,225.00 2 2
62523 Gabe Mindrup $1,215.00 $1,215.00 1 2
62305 Richard Roberts $1,210.00 $1,210.00 2 1
53693 Tucker Boudro $1,175.00 $1,175.00 3
61795 Kamron Ford $1,060.00 $1,060.00 1 1
64015 Micah Shook $965.00 $965.00 1 2
45362 Harrison Milne $860.00 $860.00 2
66590 William O’Brien $780.00 $780.00 1 1
66995 Turner Nevitt $690.00 $690.00 1 1

Move-Up from Known 45 to Known 50, Open 45, or Men’s Hunter 45   ($780.00 and 2 Top 10’s or 1 Top 5)

ASA # First Name Last Name $ Won $SOY $Total Top 5 Top 10’s
47596 Kapt Brandt $1,665.00 $1,440.00 $3,105.00 4 1
19559 Justin Utley $1,520.00 $860.00 $2,380.00 3 2
63176 Parker Baker $935.00 $570.00 $1,505.00 1 2
59742 Kaden Ward $945.00 $945.00 2 1
46814 Trey Moore $930.00 $930.00 1 3
64177 Noah Eisenhardt $855.00 $855.00 2 1
65069 Owen Frohmader $850.00 $850.00 3
53024 Sean Schafer $840.00 $840.00 1 1

Move-Up from Known 50 to Semi-Pro, Known Pro or Men’s Pro ($1,260 and 2 Top 10’s or 1 Top 5)

ASA # First Name Last Name $ Won $SOY $Total Top 5 Top 10’s
42930 Lawson Veit $2,835.00 $2,200.00 $5,035.00 4 1
53403 Dakota Mc Kee $1,860.00 $1,320.00 $3,180.00 1 3
49610 Matt Pollock $1,855.00 $880.00 $2,735.00 3
55982 Cameron Freed $1,925.00 $1,925.00 1 1
47899 Jacob Weber $1,455.00 $1,455.00 3
59964 Jonathan VanCise $1,260.00 $1,260.00 1 2

Move-Up from Men’s Open 40 to Men’s Open 45, Known 45 or Men’s Hunter 45 ($660 and 2 Top 10’s or 1 Top 5)

ASA # First Name Last Name $ Won $Soy $Total Top 5 Top 10’s
56123 Walker Scarbrough $1,190.00 $690.00 $1,880.00 3 3
51911 Tucker Edwards $775.00 $410.00 $1,185.00 4
57354 Gavin Gerig $695.00 $270.00 $965.00 3 1
61680 Andrew Wilson $715.00 $715.00 1 3

Move-Up from Men’s Open 45 to Semi-Pro, Known 50 or Higher Class ($780 and 2 Top 10’s or 1 Top 5)

ASA # First Name Last Name $ Won $SOY $Total Top 5 Top 10’s
48968 Tyler Ford $1,025.00 $680.00 $1,705.00 4
17336 David Hasty $1,020.00 $400.00 $1,420.00 3 1
50517 Brian Pelesky $1,070.00 $270.00 $1,340.00 3 3

Move-Up from Men’s Pins 30 to Men’s Pins 40, Men’s Hunter 45 or Higher Class ($540 and 2 Top 10’s or 1 Top 5)

ASA# First Name Last Name $ Won SOY Total Top 5 Top 10
64602 Michael Woomer $1,220.00 $590.00 $1,810.00 6
25433 Jason Goebel $980.00 $350.00 $1,330.00 5 1
66097 Jason Cave $840.00 $230.00 $1,070.00 3 3
66475 Joshua Calhoun $745.00 $745.00 4 1

Move-Up from Men’s Pins 40 to Men’s Hunter 45, Men’s Open 40 or Known 40 ($660 and 2 Top 10’s or 1 Top 5)

ASA # First Name Last Name $ Won $SOY $Total Top 5 Top 10’s
55662 Jaden Taylor $1,030.00 $280.00 $1,310.00 5
63444 Colton Caudill $860.00 $170.00 $1,030.00 5
20099 Narvie Nowling $625.00 $110.00 $735.00 3 1

Move-Up from Senior Known 45 to Senior Known 50 ($780 and 2 Top 10’s or 1 Top 5)

ASA # First Name Last Name $ Won $SOY $Total Top 5 Top 10’s
55789 Todd Ward $1,720.00 $1,540.00 $3,260.00 4 1
56897 Richard Fleming $1,160.00 $920.00 $2,080.00 3
48712 Matt Hagstrom $925.00 $610.00 $1,535.00 2 1
3201 Tim O Neill $1,055.00 $1,055.00 2 1
57016 David Cain $990.00 $990.00 4
62798 Chad Matuszak $970.00 $970.00 2 1
40016 Jon Earley $785.00 $785.00 3

Move-Up from Senior Known 50 to Senior Known Pro or Men’s Pro ($1,020 and 2 Top 10’s or 1 Top 5)

ASA # First Name Last Name $ Won $SOY $Total Top 5 Top 10’s
15283 David Rosenbalm $965.00 $670.00 $1,635.00 3
56662 Richard Waggoner $1,215.00 $270.00 $1,485.00 4 1
64282 Clint Smith $930.00 $400.00 $1,330.00 3 2

Move-Up from Semi-Pro to one of the Men’s Pro Classes ($1,260 and 2 Top 10’s or 1 Top 5)

ASA # First Name Last Name $ Won SOY Total Top 5 Top 10’s
35160 Joseph Hershberger $2,790.00 $1,440.00 $4,230.00 6
47746 Tyler Stevens $2,425.00 $860.00 $3,285.00 5
57872 Reece Hagwood $995.00 $570.00 $1,565.00 2
58483 Brandon Richter $1,450.00 $1,450.00 2 3
52778 Zac Hill $1,260.00 $1,260.00 3 1

Move-Up from Women’s Known 40 to Women’s Known 45 or Women’s Open 45 ($660 and 2 Top 10’s or 1 Top 5)

ASA # First Name Last Name $ Won $SOY $Total Top 5 Top 10’s
58819 Parker Biggs $1,180.00 $750.00 $1,930.00 4 2
52127 Matteja Metcalf $1,340.00 $450.00 $1,790.00 4 2
57909 Gabriela Alfaro $815.00 $300.00 $1,115.00 2 4
63081 Mikayla Cassady $665.00 $665.00 2

Move-Up from Women’s Known 45 to Women’s Known Pro ($780 and 2 Top 10’s or 1 Top 5)

ASA # First Name Last Name $ Won $SOY $Total Top 5 Top 10’s
56188 Savannah Hoffman $1,520.00 $640.00 $2,160.00 6
59421 Anna Shearier $985.00 $380.00 $1,365.00 4 1

Move-Up from Women’s Open 45 to Women’s Pro ($780 and 2 Top 10’s or 1 Top 5)

ASA # First Name Last Name $ Won $SOY $Total Top 5 Top 10’s
37240 Lauren Carver $1,215.00 $240.00 $1,455.00 6

Move-Up from Women’s Pins 30 to Women’s Pins 40, Women’s Known 40 or Higher Class ($540 and 2 Top 10’s or 1 Top 5)

ASA # First Name Last Name $ Won SOY Total Top 5 Top 10’s
56187 Sadie Hoffman $1,160.00 $450.00 $1,610.00 6
57393 Sarah Martin $1,085.00 $270.00 $1,355.00 6
63633 Clarissa Dorton $700.00 $180.00 $880.00 5
56473 Danielle Crocker $780.00 $780.00 5 1

ASA Pro/Am Rules – 2025


As a participant in events sanctioned by the Archery Shooters Association (ASA) at the state or national level, all competitors and spectators (hereinafter referred to as Releasor) acknowledge they are VOLUNTARILY participating or attending.  Releasor should be aware that an archery tournament creates the risk of serious personal injury or death.  By participating, they realize they may experience loss or damage to personal property.  Releasors assume all risk of injury, death, and loss of personal property that may result from their participation in these archery tournaments.  By registering to participate and thereby agreeing to abide by the rules herein, Releasor releases and discharges the ASA, ASA Archery, LLC, tournament sponsors, host organizations, property owners, and the tournament staff and volunteers (herein collectively referred to as “Releasees”) from liabilities or injuries, damages, or other loss sustained by the Releasor because of negligence or strict liability of the released parties.

  1. Liability Release: Releasor, being of lawful age, (or, in the case of a minor, through his/her parent or guardian) in consideration of being permitted to participate in various shooting disciplines and activities, either as a member or guest, do for themselves, their spouse, legal representatives, heirs, assigns and subrogors, hereby release, waive and forever discharge Releasees from any and all liability for any and all losses and damages of any type or kind, and from any and all claims, suits, demands, actions or rights of actions, of whatever kind, either in law or equity, arising from or by reason of death, personal injury known or unknown, or property damage resulting from any incident which may occur during Releasor’s presence at the Facility, and/or participation in any activity, whether caused in whole or in part by the Releasees or any other person or thing at the host site while Releasor is present. Releasor, and his/her parent or guardian in the event Releasor is a minor, agree to fully indemnify, defend, and hold Releasees harmless for all Releasor’s actions or omissions while at the host site.  There is no limit to this indemnity. Releasor assumes full responsibility for the risk of bodily injury, death, or property damage due to the negligence of the Releasees or any other third party or thing while at the Releasees Facility, and while competing, officiating, working, spectating, or for any purpose at the Releasees Facility. Releasor fully and completely releases the Releasees and any of its related parties or and from all liability to Releasor and to anyone or any entity claiming by, through or under Releasor, by subrogation or otherwise, it being Releasor’s intent to fully waive and release all subrogation rights. Releasor agrees that this Release Agreement is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by law and that if any portion hereof is held invalid, the balance hereof will continue in full force and effect. Releasor agrees that this release constitutes the entire agreement between Releasor and Releasees and the terms of this release are contractual and not a mere recital, and the same shall continue in full force and be applicable to all activities Releasor attends while at the Releasees facility.  Releasor has carefully read this release and understands all its terms.  Releasor accepts the same voluntarily and with full knowledge of its content and significance as a condition of competing.
  2. Participant Agreement: ASA Pro/Am events are sanctioned sporting events governed by rules. The ASA Tournament Director and Competition Committee shall settle all disputes, and all decisions will be final and without legal appeal. ASA reserves the right to restrict or deny entry into any event by any individual, and / or to designate their competitive class.
  3. Photo Release: By registering to participate in an ASA Tournament, shooters acknowledge and agree that photographs or videotape of them may be taken while participating in ASA Tournaments and/or tournament related activities. Shooters further agree that photographs and videotape may be used by the Tournament Director, Sponsors, or the Press without royalties or prior consent to help promote ASA and the sport of archery. This is not a release for specific product endorsements without the shooter’s prior consent.


  1. Each ASA Pro/Am tournament will consist of two (2) rounds of twenty (20) individual 3-D targets contested over a one or two-day period as determined by the Tournament Director.  Each round will be a “Shotgun” start.
  2. Severe Weather – ASA retains the right to delay or cancel a tournament round in case of severe weather. If a round is suspended, all shooters must leave the range immediately. In the interest of safety all arrows are to be left in the target and are not to be scored or pulled. All scorekeepers shall retain the score cards in their possession and no shooter is to have possession of their own card. The Tournament Director will have two hours to exercise one of the following options based upon the weather and the availability of ranges: (1) resume shooting that day within two hours of that day’s suspension and being able to complete the round that day, (2) complete the round the next day if there are five or fewer targets for every group on the range to be shot, or (3) cancel all scores from that round. If a competition round is canceled all competitors will still receive a score for that round using the following criteria:
    1. If at least 90% (rounded down) of the competitors in a class completed the canceled round during an optional shooting time, those scores will stand. The other competitors in that class will receive the same score they posted for their completed round.
    2. If less than 90% (rounded down) of the competitors in a class completed the canceled round during an optional shooting time, those scores will be deleted. One score will be calculated for the canceled round, and that score will be applied to all competitors.
      1. For classes with 30 or more competitors, the calculated score will be the average of the completed round scores of the top 10% of the class.
      2. For classes with less than 30 competitors, the calculated score will be the average of the completed round scores of the top three in the class.
  3. No competitions may be decided solely on the results of a partially completed round, unless the Tournament Director is proceeding under Shooting Time Allowed.
  4. Each registered shooter will receive a Range Assignment Card (“Shooter Card”) with their ASA Member Number, Start Days & Times, and Range & Target Assignment. Each shooter is responsible for having their Range Assignment Card with them, and shooting at the time, target, and range designated unless instructed otherwise by a tournament or range official.  All assignments are on a first registered / first assigned basis by shooting class.
  5. Unless required by a rule in the “Classes” section herein or approved by the Competition Committee, a shooter may change their shooting class only one time during the tournament season. No points from a previous class will be carried forward toward the ASA Shooter of the Year in the new class.
  6. No alcoholic beverages or controlled substances may be carried or consumed on the tournament grounds under penalty of disqualification. No shooter will compete while under the influence of alcohol or any other controlled substance(s) under penalty of disqualification.
  7. Smoking, vaping, or electronic cigarettes are not permitted on any competition ranges, practice ranges or in the Tournament Village at any time. Anyone wishing to do so during competition may leave the range under Shooting Time Allowed “F” to use an area a minimum of ten (10) yards from the entrance to the range.
  8. Littering on the grounds will not be tolerated. Anyone littering will be subject to disqualification from the tournament.
  9. Shooters may only compete in one class at a tournament.
  10. No one may practice on any target to be used for tournament shooting. Anyone practicing in non-designated practice areas, including parking areas and the special Known Distance Competition Range will be subject to disqualification.
  11. Anyone using the Practice Range will be required to shoot from the designated stake provided. Anyone shooting from behind the stake may be subject to losing their privileges and disqualification from the event.
  12. Should a competitor be unable to participate, their entry fees will be credited to their ASA account for use at another event. A request for a refund will incur an administrative fee of $10.00 that will be deducted from any fees refunded. Entry fees will not be refunded or credited if a competitor competes at any point in the event, leaves the competition early after their class shooting time was extended by the Tournament Director, or due to disqualification.
  13. Shooters may not be on any range that they have been assigned to shoot in unknown distance competition before they compete. Anyone who is found to be in violation of this restriction will not be allowed to shoot any competition range that they were on and will receive a score of zero for each range they visited. This restriction does not apply to competitors that are walking through a range to get to or from their assigned range. It also does not apply to ranges that are being used for team competition or for parents of youth class competitors (supervising parents are not allowed to leave the spectator viewing area if they will be competing on that range.)
  14. Dress Code: Out of respect for other competitors all shooters are required to maintain a presentable appearance.
    1. Shorts and skirts must be longer than finger-tip length while standing normally.
    2. Men and women are required to wear upper garments fully covering the front and back of the body, including the midriff, when at full draw.
    3. Shirts with collars are required, but sponsored staff shooters may wear manufacturer’s issued competition clothing which may include Henley style collars, mock turtlenecks or jerseys approved by ASA. Tee shirts are not acceptable unless they are issued and worn by a group when attending as an S3DA team.
    4. Men’s shirts must have short or long sleeves. Tee shirts and tank tops are not allowed.
    5. Due to safety considerations all shooters must have footwear that fully protects the entire foot. Bare feet, open-toed sandals, Croc’s, or flip-flops are not allowed while competing on the ranges.
    6. At no time will shooters wear any article bearing an image or language to be considered vulgar or offensive. If they do not have a shirt to change into, they will be required to turn the offensive shirt inside out if they wish to remain on the premises, or they will be required to leave.
  15. Spectators & Guests:
    1. Spectators are not allowed on the tournament ranges until the range official begins the competition.
    2. Providing information or coaching is strictly prohibited and may result in the disqualification of the shooter.
    3. Spectators and guests are to avoid conversations while anyone is shooting.
    4. All cell phones and electronic devices are to be silenced to avoid disturbing the competitors.
    5. Each Pro/Am competition site establishes and enforces its own policy regarding pets. Should a site allow pets, they shall always be kept on leashes. Pet owners shall be responsible for their pet’s behavior and for cleaning up after them. Except for Service Dogs as defined by the ADA under Title II & Title III, dogs and other pets are not allowed to walk on competition ranges or on access routes to ranges at any time. Any breach shall prohibit that pet from future ASA attendance.
    6. Video and digital image cameras are not allowed on tournament ranges without prior approval from ASA. Still photography is allowed, but the use of flash equipment during competitions is prohibited.
    7. Smoking, vaping, or electronic cigarettes are not permitted on any competition ranges, practice areas or in the Tournament village at any time. Anyone wishing to do so during the competition may leave the range and use an area a minimum of ten (10) yards from the entrance to the range.
    8. On any range conducting unknown competition spectators may not have range finders. They will be required to surrender them or leave.
    9. Spectators may assist by carrying items such as stools, umbrellas, ice chests, food, drinks, or other items for the convenience of shooters, but must always stay clear of the shooting stakes and lanes.
    10. Due to safety considerations, it is required that all spectators wear footwear to fully cover the foot.
    11. If a spectator displays unsportsmanlike conduct, they will be removed from the range and the ASA Office will determine whether they are eligible to remain and/or attend future events.
    12. At no time will guests or spectators wear any article bearing an image or language to be considered vulgar or offensive. If they do not have a shirt to change into, they will be required to turn the offensive shirt inside out if they wish to remain on the premises, or they will be required to leave.


The Competition Committee will consist of five (5) competitors who will address all rule inquiries, protests, and instances of unsportsmanlike conduct by competitors. Members must commit to attending every tournament with a minimum of three (3) members from the pro classes. In addition to reviewing infractions and ruling on grievances submitted by shooters the committee will establish penalties or sanctions for conduct violations that are not delineated in the ASA Rules. They will also review general rule interpretation submissions and serve on the annual Rules Advisory Board.

  1. The Competition Committee will review all protests and requests for rule interpretations. Protests that could affect the results of the competition must be resolved prior to the next round of competition, or prior to the announcement of results. All shooters agree that a decision by the Competition Committee is final.
  2. Any grievance or protest must be filed in writing with the Competition Committee within one (1) hour of completion of a round, along with a $50.00 protest fee. If the Committee rules in favor of the protest, or the protest/grievance is withdrawn, the fee will be returned. All decisions of the Committee will be final.
  3. A general inquiry for an interpretation of a rule may be submitted in writing to the Competition Committee. The Committee will review the submission at their earliest convenience and a written response will be provided. No fee is required for this review.
  4. Unsportsmanlike conduct on the ranges or tournament grounds by competitors will not be tolerated.
    1. Any incident of unsportsmanlike conduct will be reported to the Tournament Director who will consult with ASA Administration to decide if it will be referred to the Competition Committee for appropriate disciplinary action. If the committee determines that an offense results in a disqualification or a suspension, there will be no refund of entry fees paid. A suspension will require a request for reinstatement in writing to the Competition Committee prior to returning to competition.
    2. Verbal abuse directed at tournament officials, other shooters or spectators will result in immediate disqualification of the shooter from the tournament and a referral to the Competition Committee for further action.
    3. The use of profanity is prohibited, and violators are subject to disqualification.
    4. Any competitor rightfully suspended from ASA competition at any level, and confirmed by ASA Administration, will be suspended from ASA competition at all levels.  The suspension and reasons will be communicated to the ASA Federation and the National Office. To be reinstated a competitor must submit a request in writing to the Competition Committee.
    5. Any competitor suspended for cause by another National Archery Association that is recognized as an ASA Partner by cooperating on rules, policies and/or event scheduling will be subject to suspension at all ASA competition levels for the duration of their suspension by that Association.


  1. ASA adheres to the maximum arrow speed posted for each competition class as measured by the official on-site chronograph. There is a three percent (3%) margin of error for the difference in chronographs and/or lighting conditions. Refer to the section “CLASSES” for the maximum speed allowable in each class. Each competitor understands and agrees that they may be required to shoot through the designated on-site chronograph and an arrow shot through the chronograph during or after a tournament round that exceeds the maximum arrow speed for their class will result in the disqualification of that round’s score.
  2. All targets will be 3-D targets manufactured by Delta McKenzie Targets that feature the ASA Pro 12-Ring™ set at maximum distances as shown in the “CLASSES” section of these rules. ASA strives to adhere to the maximum recommendation, but range conditions may create target positions that may exceed the maximum. All targets will be placed vertical to the horizon and all groups are to ensure that the targets are returned to this position after removing their arrows. No target will be placed with the head of the target quartered toward the shooter (“front-angled”), and the head of the target may not be quartered away (“rear-angled”) from the shooter at an angle greater than that which would promote damage to the target or create glance-offs. The entire 8, 10, & 12-ring scoring areas will be visible from the stake and shooters may have a range official remove any limbs or debris that blocks their view of these scoring areas to the target. In known distance classes only, and to expedite the round, if the range official is otherwise engaged the group may agree to allow one of their members to remove the limb/debris after ensuring that the groups on either side are not shooting. This does not include touching a target for any reason. Shooters are required to be on their assigned target fifteen (15) minutes before the shotgun starts to provide the range officials sufficient time to ensure that all participants are in groups of no less than three (3) shooters.  Each group will “draw lots” to determine who will shoot first, second, third, etc.  The shooters will alternate being the first shooter at each subsequent stake, with their shooting order maintained throughout the round.  Any shooter who does not shoot the first target with their assigned group, except as may be permitted in Shooting Time Allowed “D”, will not be allowed to make up any targets and will receive a score of “0” for each target missed.
  3. It is recommended and desirable that groups have no more than five shooters, however, individual tournament circumstances may require a maximum of six shooters on a stake. Groups must have a minimum of three shooters and if a group of three experiences a breakdown that leaves only two shooters in the group, the range official will be the second scorer and accompany the group as a scorer until the third shooter returns.
  4. Groups will proceed under “Free Pull” and each group will signal their completion of the target by standing five (5) steps inside the shooting stake toward the target.  They will remain there until the groups on each side are finished and have also moved five steps forward. Any group proceeding to the target too soon will receive a warning for the first offense and the penalty for any subsequent offense will be a score of zero (“0”) for the entire group.
    The following rules will be monitored and adhered to by each group during each day’s competitions
  5. Except as may be required due to an approved medical exemption, each shooter must straddle or touch the appropriate “shooting stake” for their class. Shooters may elect to stand or kneel, but no ground may be added or removed, and the use of foreign objects is prohibited. A shooter will receive a warning from the group for failure to straddle or touch the stake on the first offense.  The penalty for the second offense is a deduction of five points from their target score with any subsequent offense receiving a score of zero.  Anyone that deliberately does not attempt to shoot from the designated shooting stake, or that deliberately stands on or bends the shooting stake, shall not only receive a score of zero for that target but will be in violation of Competition Committee Rules paragraph D-1 “Unsportsmanlike Conduct” and will be referred to the Competition Committee for action including suspension.
  6. Each shooter must be able to draw their bow under control and without undue difficulty. If in the opinion of the Range Official a shooter is struggling or resorting to “Sky Drawing” to draw their bow, the Range Official will contact the Tournament Director to determine if they will be required to decrease the poundage to allow them to properly draw and shoot the bow, regardless of arrow speed, to continue to participate.
  7. A shooter who feels that another competitor’s equipment is not in conformity with the class rules must report the issue to the range official before the equipment in question leaves the range.
  8. In consideration of time no shooter may glass the target from the shooting stake after taking their shot.  Shooters may glass the target prior to shooting but are reminded of the time restriction after assuming their position at the stake.  A shooter will receive a warning from the group for the first offense. The penalty for the second offense is a deduction of five points from the target score and each subsequent offense will receive a score of zero.
  9. As a courtesy to fellow competitors there will be no talking to spectators or other groups while other competitors in the group are shooting.
  10. Cell phones and other electronic devices are to be silenced and their use for communication or accessing apps is prohibited. A phone may be used by prior arrangement with the Range Official and their shooting group due to a personal situation. A phone’s camera may be used, but posting pictures will only be allowed upon completion of competition
  11. After a shooter sets their sight and draws the bow the sight may not be reset after a letdown. A shooter may only let-down two (2) times on a target. Upon a third letdown, or upon resetting their sight, the shooter will receive a score of zero for that target.
  12. Each target has two (2) 12-rings. At each target the lower 12-ring will be in play initially for all shooters and a shooter may elect to have the upper 12-ring scored by announcing their intention to shoot for it. Upon announcing their election to shoot the upper 12-ring the scorekeepers will acknowledge and note this election, and the lower 12-ring will no longer be in play for that shooter on that target only. The shooter’s decision to stay with the lower 12-ring, or to call the upper 12-ring cannot be changed after coming to full draw.
  13. On any range shooting unknown distances, all shooters (regardless of class) with movable sites are required to keep their yardage indicator covered before and after setting. A shooter will receive a warning from the group for the first offense. The penalty for the second offense is a deduction of five points and subsequent offenses will receive a zero.
  14. For safety considerations, and to ensure a timely competition, no archer will go behind a target to look for a lost arrow or for any other reason except to retrieve an arrow that is visible to the group. Shooters are expected to carry enough arrows to complete the round. A shooter will receive a warning from the group for the first offense.  The penalty for each subsequent offense will be to receive a score of zero for that target.
  15. A group or individual may not approach the next shooting stake until the group occupying that stake has fully cleared the area. Anyone advancing to the competitor’s area of any other stake and/or interfering with another group will receive a score of zero for that target. Anyone found examining or touching the equipment of another shooter without permission shall be in violation of Competition Committee Rules paragraph D-1 “Unsportsmanlike Conduct.”
  16. Only one arrow, per shooter, per target will be shot from their designated stake. Anyone shooting the wrong target, or from the wrong stake, will receive a “0” for the target which should have been shot. Groups, or individual shooters, may be allowed to shoot a target out of sequence by the range official to help expedite the round.
  17. An arrow that drops while being nocked onto the string in preparation for a shot may be picked up and shot with no penalty. If in the process of letting down an arrow drops off the bow, or is jarred off by hand contact with bow, it may be picked up and shot with no penalty. The shooter is responsible for always maintaining control of the arrow and an arrow must not be released or otherwise propelled by the string or it will be scored a zero.
  18. Releasing an arrow by pointing the bow at the ground in front of the shooter is dangerous and if an arrow is intentionally released at the ground, the shooter shall not only receive a score of zero for that target, but they will also be in violation of Competition Committee Rules paragraph D-1 “Unsportsmanlike Conduct” and will be referred to the Competition Committee for possible further disciplinary action.
  19. A shooter whose arrow contacts an “outside agency” during its flight will be allowed to reshoot that arrow. Outside agencies are defined as animals, tree limbs or other debris that may travel into the path of the arrow. Fixed or stationary impediments such as trees and bushes, and any limbs or foliage that were still in contact with stationary impediments are not considered an outside agency.
  20. Shooters are permitted to receive assistance from only one shooter in their group. Assistance will be limited to holding nothing larger than a golf-style umbrella.
  21. Binoculars are allowed to include image stabilizing binoculars and there are no magnification limits. They may be checked at random by a tournament official if requested by another competitor. In Unknown Classes, if the official determines that any markings are inappropriate, including being pre-marked by the factory, and are being used by the shooter as a mechanical device for range finding, the glasses will be confiscated and presented to the Competition Committee under the Shooting Rule on range finding.
  22. The projection of a light or reference point while shooting, either directly or by reflection, onto a target is prohibited. This prohibition includes lighted nocks which may be used but which must go dark prior to the next shooter assuming the stake. Anyone in violation of this prohibition will receive a score of zero for that round.
  23. Except as may be required due to an approved medical exemption the use of any device or outside agency (including stabilizer bar or prop stick) that allows the mass weight of the bow to be relieved from either arm while shooting is prohibited. Anyone in violation of this rule shall receive a score of zero for each target where the violation occurred.

Known Distance & Unknown Distance Competition: In the “Classes” section all classes have been designated as Known or Unknown. In all classes shooters may carry “target cards” reflecting a picture or rendering of the specific targets being shot, but no marks or notations of any type may be made on these cards. In addition, the prohibition on marks or notations includes carrying, or making, any additional notes about yardages or features of any target on a competition range. The use of a phone app is prohibited in all classes.

  • For all Unknown Distance competition classes range finding is prohibited: All distances will be judged by the naked eye which may be aided using binoculars. No equipment, including but not limited to sights, binoculars, spotting scopes or personal communication device apps will be used in a manner inconsistent with this prohibition. Using any part of the shooter’s body is prohibited, which includes “gapping techniques” that may also use equipment, or the “stepping off” of the distance to or from any target. Exchanging target information with spectators or other shooting groups at any time during the tournament is strictly prohibited. Target information may only be discussed among members of a shooting group after all members of that group have shot the target. Violations will be referred to the Competition Committee.
  • For all Known Distance competition classes: Shooters may use range finders and are required to share their information if requested by a competitor in their group.


  1. Each twenty (20) target round will be shot by the Unknown Classes in three hours and thirty-minutes, and in Known Classes in three hours and fifteen minutes. It shall be the final determination of the Tournament Director to cancel, postpone or delay a round, as well as determine the appropriate time frame for completion of the round in the case of inclement weather or other extenuating circumstances such as the number of shooters assigned to the range.
  2. Each group will be responsible for monitoring and adhering to the pace of shooting:
    1. Upon commencement of the round by a verbal announcement by the range official the first shooter at each target will be allowed two minutes in Unknown Distance and one minute in Known Distance to shoot their arrow.
    2. Each remaining member of the group will be allocated one minute to shoot.
    3. Each group will be permitted four minutes to score the target, pull arrows and reach the next stake at which point the time allotment procedure repeats.
    4. Any group or individual that fails to adhere to their specified time limit will receive a warning from the range official for the first offense.  The penalty for a subsequent offense is a deduction of five points from that target score for the group or individual. Any further offenses will result in disqualification.
  3. After the allotted time the range official may call time and shooters may complete the target being shot.  Further shooting will cease, and scores will be totaled on targets completed and a zero recorded for each incomplete target.
  4. Equipment failure does not need to be visible. Once a shooter is at their assigned target an equipment failure may not be called without shooting their first target. Prior to reporting to their range an equipment issue must be reported to a tournament official who will confirm the problem and notify their range official. Once the equipment failure is confirmed the shooter will be allowed a forty-five (45) minute grace period to make an equipment replacement or repair. Upon returning they will be allowed to make up any targets missed after completion of the round in the presence of two scorers, designated by the range official, who will be responsible for scoring and completing the shooter’s score card. Each shooter is limited to one (1) repair or replacement of equipment grace period per tournament to be eligible to make up targets. A shooter with a second equipment issue will be allowed to repair or replace their equipment but will not be allowed to make up missed targets. If the equipment failure occurs during the act of shooting and the arrow is propelled by the string, the arrow will be scored as shot.
  5. Competitors in Fixed Pin classes may make one “gang adjustment” of their sight during competition without calling a breakdown. The adjustment may be made following a shot and prior to proceeding to the next target, under the following procedure: (1) inform the group, and (2) make the adjustment to the whole pin set in front of the group. Individual pins may not be adjusted, and further adjustments must be made under Shooting Time Allowed, Rule “D”.
  6. Any shooter leaving the range for a personal time-out must first check-in with the range official and return within five minutes.  Shooters are allowed a maximum of two per round.


Scorecards will be available at the entrance to each range. Shooters will pick up their Official Colored Scorecard for that day, along with a white non-official scorecard. The properly completed official-colored scorecards must be turned in by the group within fifteen minutes of completion of shooting and prior to leaving the range to receive credit for that day’s competition, except for a shooter who is making up targets due to an equipment failure or other approved leave.


  1. Each group will designate two members of their group as “Scorekeepers” who will record all scores for the group and maintain each other’s “official” scorecard (no one is allowed to maintain their own official scorecard.) Except for their own official scorecard one scorekeeper will maintain the Official Scorecards and one will maintain the White scorecards. It is recommended that the scores are reviewed after a minimum of five targets for accuracy.
  2. All information on the scorecard must be accurate with all information completely and properly filled in. Information blocks and signatures that are incorrect or incomplete will result in a deduction of ten points. If the score was incorrect the ten (10) point deduction will be taken from the correct score.
  3. If the number of 12 Ringsä is left blank, it will be scored as zero.
  4. Any score changes must be initialed by the scorer and the shooter, and no changes may be made to the official score card after the scorekeeper and shooter have signed the scorecard. If a shooter changes his scorecard after it has been signed by the scorekeeper, the shooter will receive a score of zero for that tournament and will be referred to the ASA Competition Committee for further action.
  5. Scorekeepers will maintain the official-colored scorecard for each shooter and be responsible for recording each arrow on the corresponding target number and maintaining the running total. Scorekeepers will confirm with the shooter that their total score and number of 12 Ringsä is correct at the end of the round.
  6. The completed Official Colored Scorecard must be reviewed and signed as correct by the Scorekeeper and the shooter and initialed on the back. Any shooter turning in an “Official” card on which they are both the shooter and scorekeeper will receive a score of zero for that day.

  7. All arrows must remain in the target until all arrows are scored: (1) The arrow shaft must be touching a portion of the next highest scoring line to be scored for the higher value. (2) Scorers are allowed to use their binoculars and may also reflect or shine a light on the target at the time of scoring to aid in the process. (3) The status of any doubtful arrows must be determined before drawing any arrow from the target. (4) The score is based on the status of the arrow while all other arrows remain in the target. (5) Arrows may not be removed until a scoring judgment has been made and no changes may be made to the score after removal of an arrow. (6) Targets may not be moved or dislodged for scoring purposes and shall be returned to their proper upright position upon removal of the arrows.
  8. Scorers will agree on a score for each arrow and call out the results to be recorded on the respective shooter’s scorecards by their Scorekeepers. If the two designated scorers cannot agree on a score another member of the group will break the tie other than the shooter whose arrow is being scored. In classes with only three shooters in the group the shooter will receive the higher score of the two scorers. ASA Range Officials will not make arrow calls except when a group has only two shooters, or during special competitions.
  9. Target “Pass Through” or “Rebound” without striking another arrow: (1) Arrows passing through the front of, but still in, the target will be pushed back and scored; (2) If the group agrees that an arrow passed through the targets insert seam the shooter will be given a score based on the point of pass through not to exceed eight (8) points; (3) If the group agrees and confirms that the arrow actually passed through the target scoring area due to the high number of arrows that had been shot at the target, the range official is to be notified to have the core replaced and the shooter will be allowed to take the score where the “pass-through” occurred as determined by the group up to a maximum score of ten (10) points; and (4) If the group agrees that the arrow rebounded out of the target without striking another arrow the shooter will be allowed to take the score where the rebound up to a maximum of ten (10) points. Special Note: A score of 12 will not be permitted under sections 2, 3 or 4 of this paragraph.
  10. An arrow that glances off and goes past the target will be scored as a “0” (includes glancing off a plastic leg.)
  11. Any arrow embedding (“Robin Hood”) in the nock of another arrow will be scored the same as the arrow it is embedded in.
  12. Any arrow rebounding backward off another Arrow (a “Robin Hood” that strikes and damages another arrow and does not proceed toward the target but bounces back) will be scored the same as the arrow it struck, provided the damaged arrow can be identified.
  13. Any arrow deflecting by contact with another arrow already in the target and still proceeding toward the target will be scored where it lies in the target, or a maximum of five (5) points if it is not in the target.
  14. Arrows in the corresponding area of the target will be scored with point values of 5, 8, 10, or 12.
  15. If time and weather permit, scoring ties for first place that cannot be broken by bonus rings an ASA Official will use the “Closest-to-the-Center of the 10-ring” tie-break procedure where each shooter will shoot one arrow and the arrow that is closest to the center of the 10-Ring, regardless of score, will receive an additional bonus ring added to their score. If for any reason a tiebreaker cannot be held, and for all scores that are tied by score and bonus rings, the sum of the prize money for the tied places will be divided equally between the shooters.


The classes listed below are offered at the Pro/Am level. All earnings requirements for classes are based on shooters ASA Pro/Am earnings and Shooter of the Year bonuses from their individual class competition. Paybacks exclude the Team and the Known Distance bonus competitions, as well as ASA Federation paybacks. The Classes listed reflect maximum arrow speed, maximum yardage, and a designation as either Known or Unknown.

  • For all adult classes with an age restriction or requirement will be determined by the participant’s age reached on or before December 31st of the calendar year of competition.
  • For all Young Adult, Youth and Eagle classes it is based on their age as of January 1st of the competition year.

ASA reserves the right at any time to assign a registered shooter to a higher competition class based on knowledge of the competitor’s prior archery experience, performance in other archery competitions, or the individual’s established competition level in another organization. If, for example, someone shooting ASA for the first time feels that they are entitled to compete in the Known 40 class, but their previous archery experience, or competition status in another organization, confirms that they are not a novice, then ASA reserves the right to require that individual to compete in a higher class. All classes designated as Men’s, or that don’t have a specific designation are open to anyone. Anyone participating in the Women’s Classes will be eligible based on their designation as a female on their state issued identification. All participants must comply with the equipment rules applicable to their chosen class to be eligible.

Arrow Rule: Arrows of any type may be used provided they subscribe to the accepted principle and meaning of the word arrow as used in target archery, have not been altered (except cut to size) from the manufacturer’s original specifications and do not cause undue damage to the targets. An arrow consists of a shaft with a field or glue-in point, nock, fletching which may only consist of individual vanes used to stabilize the arrow and which may not be connected to each other by any means above the shaft and cresting.  The maximum diameter of arrow shafts will not exceed .422″ (2700 series); the field or glue-in point for these arrows may have a maximum diameter of .425″.

Arrow Rule for Women’s 40 yard Classes or less, Young Adult Female, Youth, and Eagle: The maximum diameter of arrows will not exceed 9.3mm or .366, and points will have a maximum diameter of 9.4 mm or .370” (2300 series.)

Open Class Equipment Rules for Adult, Young Adult & Youth: May use any compound or recurve bow, sight, release, stabilizer, or equipment unless specifically prohibited in any other part of these rules or by a ruling of the Competition Committee. ASA reserves the right to review any equipment / accessories and determine its suitability for competition.

Equipment & Accessory Prohibitions (all classes): (1) broadheads or any other point or tip not intended for target use; (2) retaining mechanisms which allow the bow to be mechanically held in the drawn position (except crossbows); (3) laser sights or devices; (4) devices or any outside agency (including stabilizer bar or prop stick) that allows the mass weight of the bow to be relieved from either arm while shooting or that allows for steadying the bow with any part of the body other than the bow hand. ASA retains the right to waive certain equipment restrictions or shooting rules under specific circumstances for physically challenged competitors.


Professional – Anyone who competes using a compound bow as a certified professional in nationally sanctioned 3-D events must compete in an appropriate ASA Professional or Semi-Pro Class. Anyone who competes as a certified professional in nationally sanctioned indoor or field events must compete in an appropriate ASA Professional, Semi-Pro, or may elect to initially compete in the appropriate Senior Known 50 class. Anyone who receives sponsor support that exceeds $5,000.00 per year in products, equipment, services, or direct cash support is required to shoot in Semi-Pro or higher. Anyone who has earned more than $10,000.00 in career ASA Pro/Am earnings must compete in Semi-Pro or higher unless a waiver has been granted by the Competition Committee.  Notwithstanding the restrictions above, anyone winning less than $700.00 during their last year competing in ASA competitions may request the ASA Office to move down prior to competition to participate in a semi-pro class. Moving back to an amateur class requires Competition Committee approval upon receipt of a written request.

Pro Classes: Open to current ASA members in good standing with a current ASA Pro Certification.

Class Note Yards FPS Unknown/Known
Open Pro 50 290 Unknown
Known Pro 60 290 Known
Senior Open Pro Age 50* 50 290 Unknown
Senior Known Pro Age 50* 50 290 Known
Women’s Open Pro 50 290 Unknown
Women’s Known Pro 50 290 Known

Semi-Pro Classes: Open to current ASA members in good. Anyone winning an amount less than four times the class entry fee during their last year competing in ASA competitions may request the ASA Office to move them down prior to a competition. Anyone who has won their way out of an ASA class may not return to that class unless approved by the Competition Committee. Competitors will be required to move up at the completion of the season to a pro class when meeting both of the following criteria:

  1. Class winnings & Shooter of the Year equal to 12 times the class entry fee.
  2. Either two top ten finishes, or one top five finish.
Class Note Yards FPS Unknown /Known
Semi-Pro Open (+) 50 290 Unknown
Known 50 (+) 50 290 Known

Amateur – Open to ASA members in good standing. For all adult 40-, 45- and 50-yard classes ASA Membership is required. Any competitor in an amateur class designated below with a (+) will be required to move up at the completion of the season to a higher class for their equipment type after earning an amount equal to 12 times their class entry fee in class winnings, plus any Shooter of the Year bonus, and having either two top ten finishes, or one top five finish.  

Anyone winning an amount less than four times the class entry fee during their last year of ASA competition may request to move down no less than two weeks prior to a competition, but anyone who has won their way out of an ASA class may not return to that class unless approved by the Competition Committee. Anyone shooting in a class higher than Men’s Pins 30, Known 40 or Women’s Pins 30 may not return to those classes except for a special waiver request approved by the Competition Committee.

Men’s Open Equipment Classes:

Class Note Yards FPS Unknown /Known
Open 45 (+) 45 280 Unknown
Open 40 (+) 40 280 Unknown
Known 45 (+) 45 280 Known
Known 40 (+) 40 280 Known

Men’s Senior Open Equipment Classes:

Class Note Yards FPS Unknown /Known
Senior Known 50 (+) Age 50 50 290 Known
Senior Open Age 50 45 280 Unknown
Senior Known (+) Age 50 45 280 Known
Super Senior Open Age 60 40 280 Unknown
Super Senior Known Age 60 40 280 Known
Senior Masters Open Age 69 40 280 Unknown
Senior Masters Known Age 69 40 280 Known

Men’s Hunter 45 Class:

Class Note Yards FPS Unknown /Known
Men’s Hunter 45 45 290 Known

A moveable sight may be used without being locked down. Magnification is not permitted. Clarifiers or verifiers in the peep are not considered magnification and are permitted. A front stabilizer or a system including quick releases, enhancers and/or weights may be used, but may not exceed twelve inches (12”) in total length from the tip of the stabilizer/system to the point of attachment on the front of the riser. A single rear stabilizer up to twelve inches (12”) in length (including weights) may be used regardless of the point of attachment to the bow.

Women’s Open Equipment Classes:

Class Note Yards FPS Unknown /Known
Women’s Open 45 (+) 45 280 Unknown
Women’s Known 45 (+) 45 280 Known
*Women’s Known 40 (+) 40 260 Known
*Women’s Senior Known Age 50 40 260 Known
*Women’s Super Senior Known Age 60 40 260 Known

* For all Women’s Classes at 40 yards or less the maximum bow speed is 260 FPS, the maximum diameter of arrows will not exceed 9.3mm or .366, and points will have a maximum diameter of 9.4 mm or .370” (2300 series.)


Fixed Pin Equipment Rules for Adult, Young Adult, Youth and Eagle:

  • Sights – All Eagle, 30- and 40-yard classes use fixed pins with no pin limit. A movable sight may be used but must be locked down into a fixed position that will be verified by the group prior to competing. Magnification is permitted in 40-yard classes. Clarifiers or verifiers in the peep are not considered magnification and are permitted in all classes.
  • Stabilizers – A front stabilizer or a system including quick releases, enhancers and/or weights may be used, but may not exceed twelve inches (12”) in total length from the tip of the stabilizer (or system) to the point of attachment on the front of the riser of the bow. A single rear stabilizer up to twelve inches (12”) in length (including weights) may be used regardless of the point of attachment to the bow. In all 30-yard or less classes if a stabilizer is found not complying the participant will be allowed to correct the problem and continue to shoot without penalty or reduction in score.

Men’s Fixed Pin Classes:

Class Note Yards FPS Unknown /Known
Men’s Pins 40 (+) 40 280 Known
Senior Pins Age 50 and over 40 280 Known
Super Senior Pins Age 60 and over 40 280 Known
Men’s Pins 30 (+) 30 280 Known

Women’s Fixed Pin Classes: (See new arrow size rule)

Class Note Yards FPS Unknown /Known
*Women’s Pins 40 40 260 Known
*Women’s Pins 30 (+) 30 260 known

Crossbow 40:

Class Note Yards FPS Unknown /Known
Crossbow 40 40 330 Known

Crossbows must be in sound working condition with a functioning safety and maintained in compliance with the manufacturer’s specifications. No replacement or alteration of a manufacturer’s trigger assembly or safety mechanism shall be allowed. Scopes up to 6x power with or without a luminated reticle may be used and may be equipped with lines or mill dots, but no light or image may be projected and there may be no range finding capability. Except as may be required due to an approved medical exemption, crossbows may only be shot in a standing position and the use of any device or outside agency including quivers, added foregrips, brackets, slings, hooked butt-plates, palm rests, stabilizer bars, rails, supports, prop stick(s) or any device that adds weight or allows the mass weight of the bow to be relieved from either arm or to steady the bow is prohibited; unless specified next.  Use of a manufacturer’s cocking/cranking device, one level, and one manufacturer’s stirrup, weight(s) no larger than 2” in diameter and no more than 4” in combined totaled length and one set of limb vibration dampening devices shall be permitted if safely attached and not affecting the safe functioning of the crossbow. If a cocking/cranking device is attached to the bow, it must be utilized as the method of cocking the crossbow. Use of the forward elbow against the ribcage or side is permitted. Bolts/arrows must be identical in size and weight with a minimum of three (3) vanes with a maximum outer diameter of .366”/9.3mm. Crossbows may be cocked while at the on-deck position and loaded only when the shooter is at the stake.  When loaded it must always remain pointed down range. A “let down” as referenced in Shooting Rule “L” with a crossbow is defined as moving to any position which allows the shooter to relieve weight of the crossbow in a resting position. Regarding Shooting Rule “I” there will be a three-person committee of shooters selected by the Range Official on the range who will review any equipment issues.


Olympic Recurve

Olympic Recurve will compete at known distance.  Bows must conform to World Archery rules at for this class. The maximum diameter of arrow shafts will not exceed 9.3mm or .366″; and the field or glue-in point for these arrows will have a maximum diameter of 9.4 mm or .370”. No changes or alterations to the manufacturer’s exterior finish and markings are permitted, except for the addition of fletching wraps or that occur during use.

Class Note Yards FPS Unknown /Known
Olympic Recurve 30 260 Known

Barebow Recurve

Barebow Recurve will compete at known distance. Bows must conform to World Archery rules at for this class. The maximum diameter of arrow shafts will not exceed 9.3mm or .366″; and the field or glue-in point for these arrows will have a maximum diameter of 9.4 mm or .370”. No changes or alterations to the manufacturer’s exterior finish and markings are permitted, except for the addition of fletching wraps or that occur during use. Clickers and/or draw checks are not allowed. Competitors may elect to aim by using a consistent anchor point on their face or neck and “walking” the string, or they may elect to touch the nock of the arrow with their index finger and “walk” their face to aim, but they may not do both simultaneously.

Class Note Yards FPS Unknown /Known
Barebow Recurve 30 260 Known

Young Adult, Youth & Eagle Class – These Classes are not based on their year of school, but on their age as of January 1st of the competition year. Unless approved in writing by the Competition Committee anyone competing in Young Adult will be required to participate in a 40-yard class or higher when their age eligibility expires.

Arrow Rule for Young Adult, Youth & Eagle Class: The maximum diameter of arrow shafts will not exceed 9.3mm or .366″; and the field or glue-in point for these arrows will have a maximum diameter of 9.4 mm or .370”. No changes or alterations to the manufacturer’s exterior finish and markings are permitted, except for the addition of fletching wraps, or that occur during use.

Young Adult (Ages 15-17):

Class Note Yards FPS Unknown /Known
Young Adult Open Female 40 260 Known
Young Adult Pins Female 40 260 Known
Young Adult Open Male 40 280 Known
Young Adult Pins Male 40 280 Known

**If in the opinion of the Range Official anyone in Youth or Eagle is having difficulty drawing and controlling the bow, they will be required to decrease the poundage to allow them to properly draw and shoot the bow, regardless of arrow speed, to be able to participate.

Youth (Ages 12-14):


Class Note Yards FPS Unknown /Known
Youth Open Boys 30 260 Known
Youth Open Girls 30 260 Known
Youth Pins Boys 30 260 Known
Youth Pins Girls 30 260 Known

Participation in the following Youth and Eagle Classes will be one round of twenty targets Saturday morning with a Friday Option. Their awards will be held on-site Saturday afternoon.

Class Note Yards FPS Unknown /Known
Youth Olympic Recurve Ages 12 – 14 25 240 Known
Youth Barebow Recurve Ages 12 – 14 25 240 Known
Eagle Open Boys Ages 9 – 11 25 230 Known
Eagle Open Girls Ages 9 – 11 25 230 Known
Eagle Pins Boy Ages 9 – 11 20 230 Known
Eagle Pins Girls Ages 9 – 11 20 230 Known
Eagle Recurve Ages 9 – 11 20 220 Known

Eagle Recurve allows the use of Barebow Recurve, Olympic Recurve, Traditional/Longbow or a universal one-size fits all bow approved for use in NASP competition with a maximum draw weight of 20# along with Easton XX75 Genesis Series aluminum arrows.

Junior Eagle (Ages 6-8):
All Jr Eagles must be accompanied by an adult and must be able to draw their bow under control and without undue difficulty.

Class Note Yards FPS Unknown /Known
Junior Eagle 15 220 Known


  1. Professional, Semi-Pro, Adult Amateur and Young Adult Classes: Participate in two Pro/Am events or qualify and compete in their respective ASA Federation State Championship.
  2. Youth and Eagle competitors are eligible to participate in the Classic without qualifying.
  3. ASA reserves the right to extend “at-large” invitations in all classes to shooters who are deemed worthy of competing, but who may have been prevented from regular qualifying due to their individual circumstances.


  1. All Pro, Semi-Pro and Amateur classes will be based on four (4) Pro/Am scores plus the Classic.
  2. All Youth and Eagle Classes will be based on three (3) Pro/Am scores, plus the Classic.
  3. In classes that average more than fifteen (15) competitors during the year the Shooter of the Year awards and bonuses will be presented to the top three (3) competitors with ten percent of entry fees collected prior to the Classic distributed 50% for 1st, 30% for 2nd and 20% for 3rd.
  4. In classes that average less than fifteen (15) competitors for the season only one place will be recognized for Shooter of the Year. Classes that average less than ten (10) shooters will be evaluated for continuance as a competition class.

Pro Pressure Point ShootDown Procedures:

  1. Should time and weather permit, the Tournament Director may designate Pro Classes for a Pro Pressure Point Shoot Down to determine the final order of finish.
  2. Designated classes may have a maximum of five participants. If there is a tie for score and bonus rings that would exceed five shooters the “Closest-to-the-Center of the10-ring” tie-break procedure (see Scoring Rules “I”) will be used to determine the fifth position.
  3. Prior to the start of the Shoot Down all unknown class competitors will have a ten-minute period to judge the targets. Anyone not available for any of the judging period forfeits this opportunity and will be required to adhere to the Shoot Down pace without additional time for judging.
  4. Shooters may receive assistance limited to a golf style umbrella. Anyone competing in the Shoot Down may not assist any other shooter in the Shoot Down.  Prior to or after competing.
  5. The group will have one minute to shoot their respective target. Anyone not shooting within the allotted one minute will be given a zero for that target. Should weather conditions dictate, the Tournament Director may elect to extend the time allotted or suspend the use of the clock.
  6. Shooters will remain at their stake until their arrow is scored before moving to the next target.
  7. Shooters are responsible for having enough arrows to complete the initial round of five targets.
  8. Should weather and lighting conditions permit as determined by the tournament director after the initial round, all shooters within ten points of the leader will proceed to a sixth and final arrow with the lowest score shooting first.
  9. Upon completion of the sixth and final arrow there will be a clear order of finish for first, second and third place with bonus rings breaking a tie in total score. If shooters are tied for score and bonus rings for first, second or third the “Closest-to-the-Center of the 10-ring” tie-break procedure (see Scoring Rules “I”) will be used with the winner receiving an additional bonus ring to break the tie. A coin toss will determine the order of shooting.